Monday, September 30, 2013

Helen and Alcinous

On page 359, of the marriage of Cladmus and Harmony it opens up talking about a plan that Zeus planing to exterminate the heroes of the world. Most of them just accepted it. But there were two people living among them that dared to posit the motives behind the plan. Those to people being Alcinous and Helen. 

Alcinous, king of an intermediate realm, of a race of ferrymen. He was also in the book of Odysseus he places Odysseus on one of his magicL ships that finally returns him to Ithaca. Alcinous's wife, Queen Arete, is likewise impressed with the godly stranger, and Alcinous is so impressed that he offers Odysseus the hand of his daughter, Nausicaa, in marriage. Odysseus turns him down, of course, because his only desire is to return to Ithaca and his wife, Penelope. Alcinous is a kind host who makes the stranger feel at home, and when he discovers Odysseus's true identity, he is overwhelmed at the honor of hosting such a hero on his island. Alcinous throws a feast for Odysseus, in which the guest reveals his many stories. Alcinous promises even for gifts for Odysseus if he will continue his storytelling, and the ship that will take Odysseus home is laden with treasures. Alcinous makes good his promise, and while Odysseus sleeps, the magical ship arrives in Ithaca by morning. ( catches odysseus trying to hide his tears on hearing the story of troy and says "this is the work of the gods they brought about the ruin of men so that others might has song in the future". What I think this means is that what the corruption to be out of the world so that men can still have strive and hope in the future. 

This is a picture of Odysseus presenting himself to Alcinous

Well hector calls Helen, a slut in this page that seems about right. Helen concludes that "Zeus has prepared a woeful destiny for us so that in the future we might be sung of by the bards".

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