Helen Of Troy and the Trojan War
The story of Helen of Troy, Really caught my attention in class. learning were she came from and that she was a daughter of Zeus and Leda. The story of Zeus and Leda, was one of rape. Were Zeus was in the form of a goose and seduced Leda, then raped her she had four children all came out of eggs. As the story goes this is hard to believe but that is how it was told. (The picture below describes the scene).
But what really interest me is the trojan war. I read up on the History of the war and found many things i did not know about the war. Finding Troy proved difficult, however, and the Greek fleet at first landed in Mysia. According to Herodotus, the Greeks were under the impression that Helen had been taken by the Teuthranians (Teucrians), and though the Teuthranians denied such allegations, the Greeks layed siege to the city (Herodotus, Bk. II.118). The Greeks ultimately prevailed, but suffered heavy casualties at the hands of Telephus, king of the Teuthranians, and, at the end, were still without Helen. Telephus, in the course of the war, was wounded by Achilles. With no where else to turn, the Greeks returned home.
The war went for nine years i had no idea that the was lasted nine years. That was very interesting.
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